Normally, beetroot juice does not appear on lists of “super foods,” but perhaps it ought to.

The health benefits of the beetroot juice have been researched widely. Many research shows that beetroot juice helps you a lot in many ways. It help to boost your stamina and help in exercise longer. It may help to improve the blood flow and help to normalize your blood pressure. Here the question arises why all this happens?

The answer is that because in beets natural chemical called “nitrate” is present. Through the chain reactions that happen in body the nitrate converts to nitric oxides which aids in the regulation of blood flow and help normalize the blood pressure.

Beetroot is famous as “blood turnip” because of many essential nutrients present in it. One most important reason for health benefits of beetroot juice is that it contains very low content of sodium and fat while high contents of folate which help to support emotional well-being as well as improve your mental health.

Following are the some components of the beets that are the reason of health benefits of the beet root juice:  Vitamin K which is helpful in reducing blood clotting, Calcium that is essential for strong bones and teeth. Their rich dietary fiber content promotes weight loss.

According to Research powerful dietary sources of beetroot juice shows it antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Beetroot constitutes Betalain pigments which shows its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory as well as chemo- preventive properties.  Chemo preventive property of beetroot show its ability to reduce the risk of cancer.

Potential Benefits of Beetroot juice

Here are the major Health benefits of Beetroot Juice:

1.      Promote your Heart Health

It is one of the major health benefit of beet root juice that it help to improve your heart health. Nitrate content present in beetroot help in dilation of blood vessels that lowers blood pressure and this is very helpful for heart health.

Small scale study shows that if a hypertension patient is given 250 ml daily for 4 weeks, it will help reducing blood pressure in them.

Patient with heart failure problem may use beetroot juice as a supplement because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Beetroot juice reduces the overstimulation of sympathetic nervous system (which causes elevation in blood pressure and leads to heart problem). In this way beetroot juice is helpful in improving in your heart health.

2.  Improves exercise stamina

Beet root juice has the ability to increase the nitrate level in the blood enhance the physical performance. Increased level of nitric oxide (N0) by the beet root juice performs many functions including increased blood flow level, gaseous exchange, and causes strengthening of muscles contraction.

3. Help in the treatment of Diabetes

Beetroot juice contains betalain which are powerful oxidants and has the ability to cause the significant drop in blood sugar level. According to research, Beetroot juice reduces the insulin resistance level in obese as compared to non-obese person.

4. Reduces the progression of Dementia disease

Nitrate present in beetroot juice increases the blood flow in brain and help to slowdown the cognitive decline in old age people. It help to slow down the progression of dementia.

5. Reduces the chances of Cancer

Beets are rich in water soluble antioxidants which are betalain.  Betalain has potential chemo-preventive abilities and destroys unstable cancer cells in human body.

6. Efficient source of potassium and other minerals

Beetroot is rich in Potassium and many other minerals. Beside potassium the other minerals that are present in beet root includes:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Sodium and
  • Manganese etc.

According to research there are the certain average values of the minerals that are present in Beetroot.


Excess of every thing is toxic. it is the right amount that defines the real benefits of anything. Beetroot may have certain negative effects also but the benefits are more dominant than its negative impacts. Beetroot is very beneficial for our health. It contains minerals that are necessary for our good health. It helps us to boost our stamina, reduces the risk of dementia and Cancer as well.

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